These peppers are sliced and processed in vinegar, sugar, a little oil, and a little salt. They are excellent as a side dish with any meal, on hoagies, or any other type of sandwich to take it a step beyond the ordinary.

Jalapeno Pepper Slices


Ingredients: Jalapeno peppers, water, vinegar, sugar, vegetable oil, salt

8 oz
16 oz
26 oz


Hot Banana Pepper Slices

medium hot

Ingredients: Hungarian wax peppers, water, vinegar, sugar, vegetable oil, salt

8 oz
16 oz
26 oz


Mixed Hot Pepper Slices

the hottest of the three varieties

Ingredients: Hungarian wax peppers, jalapeno peppers, cayenne peppers, hot cherry peppers, water, vinegar, sugar, vegetable oil, salt

8 oz
16 oz
26 oz

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